Niab-Tag — is the company founded on the basis of the world famous National Institute of Agricultural Botany (founded in 1919). The company is headquartered in Cambridge, Great Britain. Niab-Tag puts the task of developing new breeds, improving characteristics of seeds, increasing of the yield, systems of quality and control, and also sharing their knowledge and experience.
Niab-Tag has powerful, modern laboratory for conducting all kinds of researches and analysis. For more than 90 years of join experience in agricultural and food sector Niab-Tag company has a good reputation and authority in the sphere of breeding, researches, agricultural science.
In 2010-2011 Niab-Tag company conducted series of laboratory researches and also 4 field trials in Lincolnshire and Suffolk.
Results of researches were promising. Researches were conducted on 8 varieties of winter wheat: Horatio, Claire, Stigg, Oakley, Gravitas, Gallant, Duxford, Invicta. Winter wheat seeds were pre-calibrated with CAD machine according to the specific weight. The research found that absolute weight of seeds has significantly increased. And the same tendency was noted in all eight of the studied winter wheat varieties (see Table 1, Table 2).
Table 1

Table 2

Histograms of the natural weight of the grain clearlydemonstrate improvement (increase) of this indicator in 1 and 2 fractions (see Table 3, Table 4).
Table 3

Table 4

In Lincolnshirewas sowed winter wheat to study its germination. Niab-Tag company took 10 sprouted samples of sowing and the following histograms were constructed on the average rate. (see Table 5):
Table 5

As a result researches showed an increase in the density of planting up to 13% (see Table 6).
Table 6

4 field trails in Lincolnshire and Suffolk were held in well-prepared soil, precipitation was consistent with the year of drought.
Table 7

In Suffolk 1 fractions of three winter wheat varieties (Stigg, Panorama, Invicta) gave crop increase by 12% more than all the rest (see Table 7).
Table 8 - comparative characteristics of productivity of 1 seed fraction separated on CAD machine and seeds conventionally cleaned according to UK standards.

Also there was carried out comparing the yield of seeds that have been conventionally cleaned according to UK standards with seeds that were prepared with CAD separator. Productivity of seeds that were prepared with CAD separator showed an increase by 7,3% (see Table 8).
Table 9 - Improvement of Hagbert after separation with CAD machine.

With the help of CAD separator managed to significantly improve Hagberg. (see Table 9).
Researches and trials conducted in England allow to speak about the following:
- selecting of grain according to the specific weight with CAD separator improved germination and the density of planting, that gave crop increase by 12%;
- seeds with bigger specific weight gave stronger plants that were resistant to adverse conditions, in particular to drought;
- conducted researches have shown increase in the yield of seeds that were prepared with CAD separator by 7,3 % comparing to seeds that has been conventionally cleaned according to UK standards;
- CAD separator also allowed to improve the baking quality of grain, as it was possible to improve Hagberg.