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Factory-producer of CAD separators
SPC «Aeromeh»™ Ltd.
Equipment for cleaning and calibration of grain
Separator CAD-4
Separator CAD-5
Separator CAD-7
Separator CAD-10
Separator CAD-10-01
Separator CAD-15
Separator CAD-20
Separator CAD-30
Separator CAD-40
Separator CAD-50
Separator CAD-100
Separator CAD-150
Grain loaders

All news

20 april 2020


During the harvesting and preparation of grain crops for storage, it is very important to accurately complete all stages of the post-harvest process. One of the most significant steps is grain cleaning. It makes it possible to save the crop from dust and impurities, weeds, pests, dry mass, separate the seeds, and also qualitatively prepare the grain for further storage and processing. Universal grain cleaning equipment CAD separators has a high capacity, processing almost all types and varieties of crops, legumes, oilseeds, industrial, small-seed herbs and vegetables. The grain separator can be used independently or in combination with other units, performing the complete chain of processing crops. AEROMEH company offers grain cleaning machines for various tasks. From us you can buy small separators CAD-4 and CAD-5 for small farms, as well as grain separators CAD-100 and CAD-150 - more productive and always efficient. Grain cleaning equipment of AEROMEH production consists of several components. Grain enters the hopper feeder of the CAD separator. With the help of the vibrating tray, the grain is evenly distributed in the separation chamber over its entire width. Air flow generator of the CAD grain separator processes each element of the separated stream with the powerful flows. During this process, the heap is cleaned of dust, light impurities, crushed grain, weed seeds and other mineral and green impurities. Separation or sorting of grain with the CAD separator is done into 5 fractions. After cleaning with the separator CAD, the best and cleanest grain goes to the 2nd and 3rd fractions. Small impurities, crushed seeds and waste of various origins go to the 4th and 5th fractions. In the calibration mode, the 2nd and 3rd fractions of CAD separators is proper seed material, which is obtained by selecting the grain by the specific weight. The equipment has durable body, and does not have replaceable elements and lubrication points, therefore it can work for many years without failures in operation. At the peak of the season, when the grain cleaning is carried out for many hours in a row, it is very important that the machines work clearly and smoothly, because every day of a downtime can bring losses to the agricultural economy. We offer reliable equipment that does not require expensive consumables or special care, it gives maximum efficiency without taking significant investments. AeroDynamic separator CAD is a modern and reliable grain cleaning equipment. Innovative solutions used in the CAD separator allow to solve a lot of problems in the field of grain cleaning. In addition, CAD is a technology for producing high-yielding seeds. Time tested. phones.


20 december 2019

Marry Cristmass

"Aeromeh" team wishes everyone a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. Let your wishes come true, let your ideas successfully come true, let your aspirations and dreams lead you to new heights of happiness. Be loved in the new year and be healthy, live well and remember: we value each of you. Read more about our location at the exhibition on our phones.


1 june 2018

AEROMEH invites to Kiev for the international exhibition AGRO-2019

From 4 to 7 June 2019 in Kiev will be held the largest international agro-industrial exhibition in Ukraine and Eastern Europe, "AGRO-2019". AEROMECH invites you to visit our stand, which will be located near pavilion 9, place В06. You will be able to see our equipment in operation, as well as get acquainted with the new products. You also have the opportunity to bring grain samples with you to test our grain cleaning machines at work. We will be glad to welcome you at our stand! Read more about our location at the exhibition on our phones.


30 june 2019

The farmers of Austria appreciated the work of the CAD separators. "Wieselburger Messe 2019"

27.06.2019 - 30.06.2019 an exhibition-fair was held in the city of Wieselburg "Wieselburger Messe 2019". "Aeromeh" plant provided Austrian farmers with an opportunity to evaluate the production of organic products using CAD separators. Separator SAD is: ????Calibration of seeds by specific gravity and the selection of full and healthy seeds. - Seed material has high sowing qualities. - Friendly shoots. - Simultaneous ripening of the crop. - Strong seedlings and plants during the growing season. - Annual weaning of fields. All this leads to the minimization of herbicides and plant protection products, or even their exclusion. Read more about our location at the exhibition on our phones.


28 May 2018

We at AGRO-2018 in Kiev

The XXX International Agroindustrial exhibition «AGRO-2018» will be held on June 6-9, 2018 in Kyiv. Our stand is located near the pavilion №9 place В7. Read more about our location at the exhibition on our phones.


03 May 2018


No matter the spring was late, every farm producer will have to go to the field. True farmers always prepare themselves for sowing campaign well in advance, this relates not only to land and machinery, but also to seeds. It is known that what you sow - same you will reap. If the farmer puts poor quality seeds in the soil, all the achievements of agricultural science and technology are losing their effectiveness. At “AEROMEH” plant, located in Kreminna, Luhansk region, Ukraine they produce equipment for cleaning and grading of grain. Aerodynamic separators CAD give the farmer an opportunity to use the unique technology of grain cleaning. These separators are especially popular in Ukraine as well as abroad. Private Farm "Druzhba", which is located in Semenivskyi district, Poltava region, Ukraine is one of the largest agricultural enterprises. There are up to eight thousand hectares of land being cultivated here. Head of the Supervisory Board of the holding, Mr. Sergiy Semigrienko takes care of six directions of development. One of the priorities is growing of agricultural products. - What is the crop rotation in the PF "Druzhba"? - I asked the agronomist, Mr. Anatoliy Shevchenko. - We grow beetroot, which occupies from 600 to 1000 hectares; corn - 3000 hectares, soya - 1200 hectares, winter barley and wheat - 1700 hectares, as well as sunflower - 1000 hectares. – says Mr. Shevchenko. - A significant place in the structure of our enterprise belongs to beekeeping, - continues the specialist, - today we have 4000 beehives, and our task for the next year is to bring this number up to 8000. In future here we will have the largest apiary in Europe. - Do you have a special crop for honey production? – I continue conversation with the agronomist. - Yes. the honey plants in the land structure of the PF "Druzhba" occupy an area of 2000 hectares. Among the common plants, we grow phacelia, coriander, buckwheat, sunflower and white mustard white. We are also exploring twenty new honey plants, their progress on our lands and in this climatic zone. We have seeds of such crops, we have grown ourselves three kilograms of cucumber grass, gradually we apply into practice the use of various kinds of trees, bushes, such as linden, Ivan-tea and others as honey plants. - What else is the enterprise doing? - Another direction is called PEREGRIN. This is hunting, fish breeding, as well as green tourism. By the way, green tourism is especially popular nowadays. On the shore of the lake with the total area of 280 hectares we have built comfortable houses, which we lease to those who are interested. For recreation we offer fishing, the territory is equipped with everything necessary for the barbeque, etc. Among the new products - API houses. They are made in the form of pyramids, so that the person is able to enjoy the best of the benefits of bee therapy. - A kind of a sanatorium with bees? - I am joking with the interlocutor. - Yes, but much better and more effective. Trade is developing especially efficiently, - Mr. Shevchenko continues the story. - We sell our own products. - What kind of products? - All kinds of vegetables, I emphasize – literally all; honey, beekeeping products - in particular, three types of mead and much more. - Probably, you have a significant number of employees? - Judge for yourself, for example, the New Year's corporative party was attended by 600 people. In our own restaurant, designed for 90 people, we have organized the celebration several times in a row. - Tell us about the use of aerodynamic separators CAD. - We already have three such units. At first, we have bought a separator for ten tons of grain, later, after a certain period of time, we have purchased two units, each for twenty tons. I would like to note that they working continually. We have slightly improved them by putting them on wooden pedestal, and now we move to the place where they are required. We have even created a whole line consisting of them, where we carry out drying and initial cleaning of seeds. SAD is good both for initial processing and for selection of elite seeds. I want to mention that we are very happy with these separators. Separator CAD is very simple and understandable for farmers, and because of that it is easy in operating and works efficiently. Machines for grain cleaning are based on the interaction of a strong airflow and grain that flows into this air. CAD increases the yield by 4-6 centners per hectare. We are processing all elite seeds through these separators. – The agronomist continues the story. - Look, specific weight of grain is different. Science has discovered, and we confirm it by our experience, that heavier grain is much more viable, gives better germinating capacity. We have tested it on a German variety of soybean seeds. We have bought the elite breed. The grain, which was processed through the aerodynamic separator, gave yield which was 4 centners per hectare higher. Although we don’t refuse from the first reproduction of foreign seeds. - The enterprise is large, active, and therefore, probably, it is so-called city-forming for the region? - Yes indeed. Of great importance is that the fact that the owner is local. The result is good, and what is most importantly is that the children are not looking for a better luck, but stay at the enterprise. One son is managing trading, the other one maintains a garden, land. It is a good model. People are not going to go anywhere, and so there is stability and development. Among the active operators of CAD are Mr. Maksim Dyachenko (Private Entrepreneur Mr. Dyachenko M.M., Poltava region, Grebinkivsky district, Kulazhentsi village). Former teacher leased 200 hectares of land in 2006 and started sowing wheat, barley, soya, corn and sunflower there. Today he is a successful farmer who not only created jobs, by providing people with employment and income, but also he actively helps the school, kindergarten, village council to clean the snow away, provides institutions with firewood, removes garbage, etc. In addition to growing grain crops and industrial crops, the entrepreneur is engaged in auxiliary activities in crop production – he does ploughing, harvesting, cleaning, grading of grain, in other words he is preparing sowing material. - It is for this purpose that I bought aerodynamic separator (CAD-5), - Mr. Dyachenko tells. - I was convinced that it was qualitative. But it had a very little capacity for me. Therefore, I decided to buy a more productive separator. I have made a clear condition, to maintain quality and increase capacity. Partners have recommended me the CAD-10. I am very happy with it, and I advise it to all friends. - Why did you choose the products of AEROMEH factory? - The same products are produced in Kharkiv, - says the farmer, - indeed, there is an analogue, there is competition. But when I originally planned to buy a separator, I asked people who have already used this machine. It turned out that in Kharkiv separators there are no vibrating tray. Because of this, they often have the grain passage clogged, or the seeds are being unevenly transported for grading; but in CAD, because of the installed vibrating tray, the grain passage is not clogged, and each seed is being evenly spread along the entire width. It results in a better blowdown, and the final result is better. - What crops do you pass through the separator? - Wheat, barley, soya are being effectively processed. We have also tried lentils, which was recently brought by our colleagues. They were very satisfied with the result. We obtained a good result on buckwheat, which we began to clean this year. It all depends on volumes. - So, have your volumes increased? - Of course. Because of this, I had to return the CAD-5 to the manufacturers who successfully sold the unit, and they brought me the CAD-10 instead. I am very grateful to them for such understanding and help. I have normal partnership relations with them, and now I consult people of my region on this subject. – Kind of sales assistant and consultant? - That's right, - said Mr. Dyachenko. Mr. Oleksandr Yaroshenko, head of LLC "Zalissya 2007", located in Poplivka village of Mirgorod district in Poltava region, met with representatives of the AEROMEH factory at an exhibition in Kyiv. Before the war I visited Luhansk, where the plant was previously located, and there I have bought an aerodynamic separator CAD, at my request it was little improved, - says the entrepreneur, - it was equipped with a cyclone, loading and unloading screw-loaders, and also it was out wheels. It is self-propelled. In addition, it has an electric motor that uses up to 15 kW energy - What seed do you process in the separator? – Grain is loaded right from the field. It is very user-friendly and requires minimum expenses in terms of labor. If the grain is dry, the unit is serviced by one person. When the soya is moist, we put a screen. Results on soya are always perfect. - And why soy beans? – I continue the conversation with the farmer. - The fact is that it is the main culture that we grow on 320 hectares. This year, for the first time we sowed corn. With soybeans, we already have some experience, therefore, the culture is of good quality. Traders have sold soya from my field to Germany. Zaporizhzhya company "Sirena" also buys the soya. The fact is, the plant is well cleaned and graded. It is because CAD both cleans and grades, and the seed remains not damaged. Another factor that influenced the priority of soybean in my farm is the analysis of the land. According to the expertise data, we began to sow the most profitable culture here. Although it should be noted that there are areas that give very poor crop. In general, the principle is common: if to treat soil with intelligence, then there is a return. (It is just that the management shouldn’t do any obstacles). - Tell about the economy. - Our enterprise occupies about 8% of the area among the total amount of land of the village council. This is a combination of the shares owned by people. In return, people get 10% of the cost. The share itself is about 3 hectares. In 2017, we have bought a new combine harvester “New Holland (CR790)”, which was bought in a leasing loan. I live in Zaporizhzhya, here I have ten official employees. I am a member of the village council. Together with the village council, we have illuminated Dolyna street, - shares the farmer. We go to the production place. Separator is in working condition, ready to take seeds for cleaning. The owner shows photos when the unit was in operation. It is clear that the machine is useful and necessary. Private Company “Zhytnytsya 2010”, located in the village of Rozsoshyntsi, Poltava district also confirms the fact that CAD is an important component in agribusiness. The head is Mr. Volodymyr Vakaryuk. Employees gladly show the separator and say that it cleans wheat, soybeans, corn, sunflower seeds very well. We purchased it is summer 2017. It has been working at the enterprise for six months already. During this time, it became clear that the CAD is successfully cleaning grain from the field. Only the best seed is picked up for sowing, because the halves and beaten seeds are immediately removed. Cleaning is precise, and is done when necessary. And in general, the machine is of very high quality and gives a good result. Thus, one can be sure that economizing on a good harvest is not worth it. Food producers, taking care of the excellent result, should listen to science, implement new and up-to-date technologies - and therefore actively use separators CAD produced by “AEROMEH” plant. These machines have changed from being bright new products to the category of mandatory conditions of the present day." More about us phones.


03 June 2015

We at AGRO-2015 in Kiev

The XXVII International Agroindustrial exhibition «AGRO-2015» will be held on June 3-6, 2015 in Kyiv. Read more about our location at the exhibition on our phones.


13 June 2014

Stroll through the exhibition Agro-2014 with Aeromeh

We invite to stroll through the exhibition AGRO-2014.


04 June 2014

We invite to the exhibition in Kiev, discount up to 20%!

4-7 of June 2014 will take place XXVI International agricultural fair "AGRO - 2014". More.


19 May 2014

We invite to the exhibition in Romania!

From 5-th to 8-th of June in Fundulea (Calarasi, Romania) will take place International Agricultural Exhibition "AgriPlanta - RomAgroTec 2014". More.


24 April 2014

Separators CAD are modernized!

Mass and dimensions of machines have been changed, which leads to saving of transportation costs. More.


08 April 2014

Separator SPO is modernized!

With the help of our own drafting department, SPC "Aeromeh" Ltd. modernized separator of preliminary cleaning – SPO. More.


04 April 2014

Separators CAD in 37 countries of the world!

Zambia became thirty-seventh country of the world and the seventh country in Africa where separators CAD work. More.


27 March 2014

Clean money from dirty waste

Kyiv entrepreneurs found a new usage for separators CAD - for processing of SDW. More.


04 March 2014

We invite to the exhibition in Bulgaria!

"AGRА 2014" - is the largest forum of agribusiness in South-Eastern Europe. More.


24 February 2014

We invite to the exhibition in Rostov-on-don

From 02/25/2014 to 02/28/2014 in the exhibition center "VertolExpo", Rostov-on-Don, Russia, will take place the Agribusiness Forum of South Russia. Today it is one of the largest exhibition projects on agricultural topics in Russia. More.


18 February 2014

Invite to Dnepropetrovsk at the exhibition

Invite to Dnepropetrovsk at the exhibition. More.


10 February 2014

Welcome to the exhibition Grain technology - 2014

Welcome to the exhibition Grain technology - 2014.


05 February 2014

We invite to the exhibition in Verona!

From 6-th to 9-th of February in Verona (Italy) will take place 111-th International Agricultural Technology Show "FIERAGRICOLA 2014". More.


27 January 2014

We invite to the exhibition in Greece!

The exhibition is held once in two years and is one of the largest international sites for meetings of professionals of the agricultural sector. More.


21 January 2014

Certificate of the reliable partner Aeromeh

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine has enrolled "Aeromeh" on the list of Non-state book of reliable partners with stable credit standing on the territory of Ukraine and out of the bounds. More.


13 January 2014

We invite you to LAMMA'14

We invite you to visit exhibition LAMMA'14, which will be held on 22-23 of January 2014 in Peterborough. More.


25 December 2013

Congratulations on New 2014 Year

See congratulations.


09 December 2013


The separators used in organic agriculture. Read more.


02 December 2013

Technological aspects of cereal production

Producers of cereals, who had already installed CAD in their technological line. More.


14 November 2013

Congratulations on the agricultural worker day!

This is a great occasion for millions of people – those who work in agricultural sphere... More.


05 November 2013

Power of linseed

In processing of linseed High Barn Oils uses separator CAD. More.


30 October 2013

We invite to the exhibition in Bucharest!

From 30 of October to 3 of November 2013 at the address: Romania, Bucharest, Marasti blvd., 65-67 will take place 17-th International Fair of equipment and products in agriculture, horticulture, viticulture and cattle breeding - INDAGRA. More.


28 October 2013

We invite to visit exhibition InterAGRO!

From 30-th of October to 1-st of November in KyivExpoPlaza (Ukraine, Kyiv, Saljutnaya steet 2-B) will take place IX International exhibition of profitable high-performance agriculture "InterAgro - 2013". More.


15 October 2013

Invitation to the exhibition in Lvov!

We invite to the exhibition “Seeds and Remanent-2013” to Lvov! More.


9 October 2013

We invite to Moscow to the exhibition “Golden Autumn-2013”!

We invite You to visit the largest Russian agro-industrial exhibition “Golden autumn-2013”. More.


02 October 2013

We invite to the exhibition in Odessa!

From 3 to 5 of October 2013 in Odessa Palace of sports (Odessa, Shevchenko ave., 31) will take place 5-th annual international specialized exhibition-fair “OdessaAgroProdPackExpo’2013”. More.


30 September 2013

We invite to the exhibition “AgroExpo” to Kirovograd!

From 3 to 5 of October 2013 in Kirovograd will take place all-Ukrainian agro-industrial exhibition “AgroExpo”. More.


27 September 2013

Graminor AS – our customer

We are glad to inform that our customer is a Norwegian company Graminor AS. More.


17 September 2013

We invite to the exhibition in Poland!



12 September 2013

We invite to Harvest day of Stavropol Kray



02 September 2013

We invite to the exhibition in Georgia!

From 6 - 8 of September 2013 in the ice palace, Batumi, Georgia will take place III International "Trade exhibition of agricultural products and technologies – 2013". More.


23 August 2013

Invite to Field Day in the German Agrarian Center!

Invite to Field Day in the German Agrarian Center! More.


12 August 2013

Invite to Field Day of Stavropol region

We invite you to visit the Fourth Regional exhibiton-showing of agricultural technique and equipment... More.


08 August 2013

Welcome to Saratov

Welcome to Saratov-Agro-2013. More.


08 August 2013

We invite to Field Day VolgogradAGRO-2013!

We invite to Field Day VolgogradAGRO-2013! More.


23 July 2013

In the center of attention – lentil!

In the center of attention – lentil! More.


12 July 2013

We invite to Day of Siberian field-2013

We invite to Day of Siberian field-2013. More.


03 July 2013

We invite to visit DAY of VORONEZH FIELD!

We invite to visit DAY of VORONEZH FIELD! More...


18 June 2013

Separators CAD are used for processing of zeolites

Separators CAD have found new application - separation of zeolites. More.


10 June 2013

Technical event "Cereals 2013" in England

12-13 of June in Lincolnshire will take place the biggest technical event in England "Cereals 2013" More...


03 June 2013

Photoreport from exhibition Agro-2013

See photoreport from exhibition Agro-2013


28 May 2013

We invite to "Golden Niva"!

From 28 till 31 of May 2013 in Ust-Labinsk, Krasnodar Krai, Russia will take place International agro-industrial exhibition with field demonstration of technics and technologies "Zolotaya Niva". More.


17 May 2013

We invite to the exhibition AGRO - 2013, Kiev

22-25 of May 2013 will take place XXV International agricultural fair "AGRO - 2013", that rightfully deserves world recognition for the many years now, as the largest and the most promising state activity in the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine. More.


14 May 2013

About spices and seasonings: it is important to know...

New application for separators CAD - spices. More.


24 April 2013

Separators CAD - pledge of perfect chocolate!

Separator CAD has found a new application in the processing of cacao beans. More.


18 April 2013

Letter from client

Recently we received a letter from client. See letter.


15 April 2013

We invite to exhibition in Penza!

From 17 to 19 April 2013 in the exhibition hall of CSTI (Penza, Russia) will take place VII interregional specialized exhibition-fair «PenzAgro». More.


08 April 2013

New look on clean millet

See new look on clean millet.


02 April 2013

Newest test separators CAD in barley seeds

On the initiative of LLC "Eurotel" have been held tests of aerodynamic separator CAD on preliminary, primary and other modes of cleaning of barley grain. More.


26 March 2013

СAD separators in 35 countries of the world!

Ghana became thirty-fifth country in the world and sixth in Africa, where CAD separators are being used. More.


18 March 2013

The responsible partner Aeromeh

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine has enrolled "Aeromeh" on the list of Non-state book of reliable partners with stable credit standing on the territory of Ukraine and out of the bounds. This is confirmed by the Certificate 9/6 dd. December 22 2012 and provided by the Law 14 of Ukraine "About The Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Ukraine". In "Aeromeh" the monitoring was made according to such activities as providing of the internal funds, the liquid solvency, the marginal liquidity, and the financial independence. The fact of listing is a guarantee of the firm while negotiation with foriegn partners, making contracts, cooperations, and participation in International tenders. Certificate is here.


11 March 2013

Expansion of the model row!

See news.


04 March 2013

Invite to an exhibition in Lvov!

Invite to an exhibition in Lvov!


26 February 2013

We invite you to Agribusiness Forum of the South of Russia!

Invite you to Agribusiness Forum of the South of Russia!


18 February 2013

We invite you to an exhibition in Kharkov!

Invite to an exhibition in Kharkov. More.


15 February 2013

Invite to Dnepropetrovsk at the exhibition

Invite to Dnepropetrovsk at the exhibition. More.


12 February 2013

Welcome to the exhibition "Grain technology - 2013"

Welcome to the exhibition Grain technology - 2013


01 February 2013

New application for CAD separators

Russian entrepreneurs from Samara found new application for CAD separators. More.


15 January 2013

We invite you to LAMMA'13

We invite you to visit exhibition LAMMA'13, which will be held on 16-17 of January 2013. More.


10 January 2013

Now separators CAD in Canada also!

Due to the directed and fruitful work of company Plot Feeds Ltd - our partner - the agrarians of Canada will be able to estimate deservedly the work of separators CAD. More.


21 December 2012

We wish you happy New Year and merry Christmas!

See congratulations.


10 December 2012

Researches of corn

Corn - is one of the essential crops in the world's modern agriculture. This crop is versatile and has high productivity. That is why we made the following researches. Hybrid seeds of Zaporozhskaya F1 corn were separated on the CAD separator. See results.


29 November 2012

Advantageous credits on CAD separators from Russian Agricultural Bank in Russia

Within the bounds of the target program "Credit against a pledge of the machinery and/or equipment that is being purchased" Russian Agricultural Bank provides credits on purchasing CAD separators in Russia. More.


19 November 2012

We invite to the exhibition in Krasnodar!

From 20 to 23 of November, 2012 in the exhibition center "Kuban EXPOCENTER", Krasnodar, Russia, will take place 19-th International agro-industrial exhibition "YUGAGRO". More.


14 November 2012

Congratulations on the agricultural worker!

This is a great occasion for millions of people – those who work in agricultural sphere... More.


07 November 2012

100 best goods of Ukraine - 2012. Lugansk region

Final results of the first stage of the All-Ukrainian quality contest (goods, works, services) "100 best goods of Ukraine", 2012 are summed up. More.


29 October 2012

We invite to the exhibition in Bucharest!

From 31-st of October to 4-th of November 2012 at the address: Romania, Bucharest, Marasti blvd., 65-67 will take place 17-th International Fair of equipment and products in agriculture, horticulture, viticulture and cattle breeding - INDAGRA. More.


24 October 2012

We invite to the exhibition in Kazan!

The exhibition provides a unique opportunity to demonstrate and to get acquainted with equipment for production and processing of agricultural production. More.


22 October 2012

New research in Great Britain

In Cambridge in August 2012 Plot Feeds Ltd company on the basis of national agricultural centre Niab-Tag, Great Britain, conducted a number of experiments on CAD separators. More.


15 October 2012

CAD separators in the Gambia!

We are pleased to announce that the 33-rd country in the world and 5-th in Africa, where are CAD separators, became the Gambia. More.


01 October 2012

We invite to Moscow at the Golden Autumn!

We invite you to visit the largest in Russia agricultural exhibition "Golden Autumn", as part of which will be held agricultural exhibition "AgroTech Russia". More.


28 September 2012

Expansion of the model row of grain loaders!

We are pleased to announce the expansion of the range of our products! More...


14 September 2012

We invite You to the Field Day in the German Agrarian Center!

Dear ladies and gentlemen!
We sincerely invite You to the Field Day of the German agrarian center 2012year in village Potash... More.


12 September 2012

Photoreport from exhibition Agro-2012

See photoreport from exhibition Agro-2012


30 August 2012

We invite to the exhibition "AGRO - 2012", Kiev

5-8 of September 2012 will take place XXIV International agricultural fair "AGRO - 2012", that rightfully deserves world recognition for the many years now. More...


17 August 2012

CAD separators are used in processing of PET bottles

Thanks to business owners from Dnepropetrovsk CAD separators have found a new use! More...


10 August 2012

Separators CAD-20, CAD-30, CAD-40 are modernized!

By means of our own drafting department we were able to make modernization of models: CAD-20, CAD-30, CAD-40 ... More.


30 July 2012

Grain loader CAD (BM-20) is upgraded!

We are glad to inform you about fundamental updating of grain loader CAD (ВМ-20). More.


23 July 2012

We invite to visit Field day “VolgogradAGRO”

The third Demonstration of agricultural machinery in the field conditions. More...


17 July 2012

In Lugansk has been declared period of struggle with ambrosia

From 1 of July to 1 of November was declared as a period of struggle with ambrosia. More...


09 July 2012

In Republic of Kazakhstan separators CAD became more affordable!

Kazakhstan farmers can purchase CAD separators on leasing conditions through SC “AgromashHolding” and SC “KazAgroFinance”. More...


03 July 2012

CAD separators also in India now

Thirty second country where now are working CAD separators, became India. More...


21 June 2012

CAD separators now in Kenya

We are happy to inform that 31-st country in the world and 4-th in Africa, where CAD separators are presented, became ... More


11 June 2012

New research in Norway

More details about research in Norway...


25 May 2012

Technical event "Cereals 2012" in England

13-14 of June in Lincolnshire will take place the biggest technical event in England "Cereals 2012" More...


21 May 2012

New research in England

In 2010-2011 the reputable British company Niab-Tag conducted large-scale research on studying the sowing qualities of winter wheat seeds, which have been separated with the CAD machine (see researches).


17 April 2012

Novelty from Aeromeh: grain loader CAD (BM-20)

Dear partners! We are happy to inform you about expansion of the assortment of our production! More...


06 April 2012

South rice company – our partner



30 March 2012

Government awards

During International Specialized Exhibition “Moldagroteh” that took place from 15-18 of February 2012 in Kishinev, Moldova, SPC “Aeromeh” Ltd. was awarded with Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of agriculture and food industry of Moldova, and also with Honorary Statuette for the aerodynamical separator for grain cleaning and calibrating of CAD brand in nomination “Producers and exporters of agricultural machinery from abroad”.
Award and Honorary Diploma was presented by the minister of agriculture and food industry of Moldova – Vasiliy Bumakov.
SPC “Aeromeh” Ltd. expresses its gratitude to our Moldavian dealer – “LANTEHAGRO” company for active and fruitful work in selling CAD separators in Moldova.


26 March 2012

CAD separators are used in production of masterbatch pigments for coloring polymers

MBS Company uses CAD separators in production of masterbatch pigments for coloring polymers. More


21 March 2012

"Soy-bean Century" is our partner

Scientific seed-production firm "Soy-bean Century" activity uses widely the separators CAD.


12 March 2012

We invite to visit exhibition in Zaporozhye!



24 February 2012

Invite to an exhibition in Lvov!

February 29 - March 2 2012 is the only specialized exhibition in the Western region. Show venue: Kiev, Chutorivka street, 4b, Exhibition Center "Schuvar-Expo’.


20 February 2012

AgroProm-2012 – the exhibition in Dnepropetrovsk

Invite to visit The Tenth Anniversary National exhibition of agrarian technologies "AGROPROM-2012"


13 February 2012

The Exhibition in Kharkov!

The Eighth specialized exhibition “Private Farm” will take place from 16 of February till 19 of February 2012 in the Palace of Sports in Kharkov (Marshall Zhukov Avenue, 2), Ukraine.


09 February 2012

Attack of the clones: beware of counterfeit

Dear customers, be very attentive! Beware of counterfeit CAD separators!!!


31 January 2012

We invite to visit the exhibition InterAGRO

From 7-th to 10-th of February in KyivExpoPlaza (Ukraine, Kyiv, Saljutnaya steet 2-B) will take place VIII International exhibition of profitable high-performance agriculture “InterAgro – 2012”. More.


20 January 2012

Research on rapeseed calibration

See research on rapeseed calibration.


12 January 2012

The best 100 goods of Ukraine – 2011

SPC "Aeromeh" Ltd. was defined as a winner of the All-Ukrainian contest of production quality (goods, works, services) on the regional stage of "The best 100 goods of Ukraine – 2011". The contest organizer is regional competitive commission, state enterprise "Luganskmetrology" with assistance of regional state administration. This year there were about 60 companies that took part in the contest, among them were determined the best examples of Ukrainian production (goods, works, services). We are glad to possess this honorable award! See award.


23 December 2011

Congratulations on New 2012 Year from Aeromeh

Dear colleagues and partners! Staff of SPC "Aeromeh" Ltd. with all its heart thanks You for professionalism and fruitful cooperation ... Read the full greeting.


12 December 2011

CAD separators in Ethiopia

SPC “Aeromeh” Ltd. has dispatched second unit of CAD separator for government Mekelle University ... More.


07 December 2011

Best partners club

1-st of December, 2011 in Barnaul (Russia) our business partner "Agrocentr" company held a meeting of "Best partners club". On the event were present ... More.


01 December 2011

CAD separators are known in Armenia now

We are happy to inform you about selling separator CAD-50 with cyclone to Republic of Armenia. Armenia became jubilee ... More.


28 November 2011

Business-forums in Hungary

In two Hungarian cities - in Budapest and Szekesfehervar - business-forums between the representatives of Hungarian and Ukrainian business communities were holding 15th -18th November 2011. A presentation of economic potential of two countries ... More.


21 November 2011

An exhibition in Krasnodar

From November 22 till November 25 2011 the 18th International agro industrial exhibition "YugAgro", one of the greatest on presentation of agro-equipment in Russia... More.


16 November 2011

Congratulations on the agricultural worker day!

This is a great occasion for millions of people – those who work in agricultural sphere... More.


11 November 2011

Exhibition in Hannover

From 15 to 19 of November 2011 in Hannover (Germany) will be hold a grandiose event – "AGRITECHNICA – 2011" exhibition. 24 exhibit rooms. 320 000 m2 of display area. More than 26 000 of exhibits. AGRITECHNICA is one of the biggest grounds for agricultural machinery and equipment in the world. SPC "Aeromeh" Ltd. and "S.C.MIAGHI ImpEx SRL" will take part in this exhibition and will present CAD separators for preparation of high quality sowing material. We invite to visit out booth, see the equipment, get consultation and professional answer to any question, and also to take part in the core measures of the exhibition – seminars, conferences, circular tables. Don’t miss it!


09 November 2011

Exhibition in Poltava

On November 17-18 in the "TiS" Merchandise Mart (Ukraine, Poltava, Ledova str., 10) will take place VIII Inter-regional exhibition "AgroProm – Poltava" in which SPC "Aeromeh" Ltd. will take part. Poltava region is one of the leaders of Ukrainian agricultural sector. There will be demonstrated the best achievements of agricultural sector and also will be set guidelines for its further development.
We invite to visit our booth!


03 November 2011

Children’s drawing contest

In order to combine efforts which are aimed at improving the quality of domestic products, rising of the consumer's level and forming junior society consumers' figurative notion about the quality and safe products, from February to November 2011 Derzhspozhyvstandart of Ukraine conducted VIII All-Ukrainian Contest of children’s drawings "I want to live in the quality world - 2011". Awarding ceremony of the regional stage of children’s drawing contest winners took place on the October 28, 2011 in the Lugansk academic Ukrainian musical-drama theater. SPC "Aeromeh" Ltd. traditionally acted as one of the sponsors of this contest. We congratulate winners and participants of the contest!!! Photo report.


28 October 2011

Waiting for you in Kyiv!

On November 1-3, 2011 in MM "KyivExpoPlaza" (Saljutnaya street, 2-B, Kyiv) SPC "Aeromeh" Ltd. will take part in exhibition "Grain Technologies – 2011". "Grain Technologies" – it is an effective specialized instrument for solving agricultural tasks. We invite everybody to visit our booth!


24 October 2011

We take part in economic business-forum

18-20 October in Donetsk (Ukraine) took place II International economic forum "Scientific and technical collaboration of regions and interregional production cooperation". One of the few enterprises that demonstrate economic potential of Lugansk region became "Aeromeh" company. In the forum work took part presidents of Ukraine (V. Yanukovych) and Russia (D. Medvedev). In the forum program there was discussion of such questions as increasing of bilateral trade between Ukraine and Russia, interregional collaboration, interaction of frontier and customs services.


18 October 2011

CAD separators became more affordable!

In Ukraine it is possible to buy CAD separators also in leasing. Services of financial leasing are provided by Raiffeisen Leasing Aval. General conditions of leasing: leasing terms – up to 5 years; average advance payment – 30% of the equipment cost; commission (one-time payment) from 0.5% to 1%; alternative schedule of payments. Raiffeisen Leasing Aval policy includes individual approach to every customer, flexibility in choosing schedule of payments, which let customer to economize his time ad recourses. For additional information contact sales department of the central office: Raiffeisen Leasing Aval’s website.


10 October 2011

Exhibition in Finland

From 19-th to 22-nd of October at the Congress and Trade Fair Center Jyväskylän Paviljonki (Finland) will be arranged international agro-industrial exhibition KoneAgria 2011. KoneAgria – is the biggest agricultural exhibition in Finland. In 2010 KoneAgria gathered more than 25 000 visitors. In this year z/s AVOTI (Latvia) with representative of AS A.TAMMEL (Estonia, Finland) with the CAD-7 separator will take part in the KoneAgria 2011 exhibition. We invite everybody to visit our booth! We wish interesting contacts, prospective business partners and great results in business to all of the exhibitors! We are sure that this event will be useful and successful to everybody!


30 September 2011

Separators' CAD also in Finland now

In September, 2011 thanks to our dealer in Latvia - z/s AVOTI, CAD separator for the first time was dispatched to one of the most northern agricultural countries – Finland. Today the agriculture of Finland is represented by 70 thousand farms. 85% of them are comparatively small. Considerable part of the cropland is sowed with the fodder grass. Farmers in Finland cooperate in administration during the harvesting and in joint usage of the agricultural equipment. We hope, Finnish farmers will appreciate our machinery at its true value! We would remind, CAD separators are widely used in any agroclimatic zones of the world. (see sales territory)


06 September 2011

International project in Ethiopia

September 1, 2011 according to international project The Local Seed Business was made the shipment of the CAD separator to Ethiopia. The project is founded by NUFU (Norwegian Program for Development, Research and Higher Education) in 2007. The project is a joint effort of Bahir Dar University, Haramaya University, Hawassa University, Mekelle University, Oromia Agricultural Research Institute, OSE and Wageningen International, federal, regional government and non-government organizations.
This aims to improve productivity of agriculture and food security through better access to quality seed in Northern Ethiopia by intensifying cooperation between farmers’ communities; developing of independent seed-production and selection of the best varieties of barley for this droughty region. The project is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Food Quality.
We want to express our thanks to Dag Saether, Asmund Bjornstad and Fetien Abay! (see more detailed information about the project)


29 August 2011

Advantageous credits on CAD separators from Russian Agricultural Bank in Russia (updated)

Within the bounds of the target program "Credit against a pledge of the machinery and/or equipment that is being purchased" Russian Agricultural Bank provides credits on purchasing CAD separators in Russia. Period of credit - up to 10 years. Amount of banking credit - 70% from the equipment cost. Credit security - only the CAD separators that are being purchased. Bank accreditation for selling CAD separators under the credit program have: LLC "Eurotel" (Samara, Russia), LLC "Vostok-Proect" (Blagoveshchensk, Russia) and "AgrotsentrAltay" (Barnaul, Russia). See contact details.


26 July 2011

New researches of corn

Corn - is one of the essential crops in the world's modern agriculture. This crop is versatile and has high productivity. That is why we made the following researches. Hybrid seeds of Zaporozhskaya F1 corn were separated on the CAD separator. See results.


13 July 2011

July 11, 2011 SPC "Aeromeh" Ltd. celebrated 10 years of the company

Photo report from "Aeromeh7" 10-th anniversary.


04 July 2011

Barley research in Norway

Norwegian company "Romerike Landbruksrådgiving", which is the certified centre of researches, has made field and laboratory tests of barley, which was separated with the help of CAD machine. The tests took place on Sven Kolstad field, Sorum and in Sovere laboratory. Soil condition: silty, PH: 6,0 P-AL:11, K-AL:20. Researches have shown great results in the mass of 1000 seeds and in germinating ability (see results). With the help of CAD separator was obtained enough quantity of seeds which are able to germinate in hard conditions. In the conclusion it is said that this researches are very helpful in Norwegian context of agriculture, presuppose using of CAD separators for modernization of agricultural production and preparation of grain for selling. By removing of low-quality and dry grain it is possible to improve grain quality from fodder to food, and that may return the respective expenses - is said in the conclusion. Research results were published in the annual scientific reference book in Norway. SPC "Aeromeh" Ltd. expresses thanks and gratitude to everybody, who took part in the research.


16 June 2011

CAD separators are also used in chemical industry.

LLC "Chemical reagents factory "Donesk-Reactiv" (Ukraine), which is specialized in production of inorganic chemical reagents and calcareous absorber, for own production has bought the CAD separator. Today the factory is actively investing money in expansion of the producing capacity and increasing the product mix. CAD separator is included in the processing line of production of the calcareous chemical carbon dioxide absorber which is used in industry, mine-rescue activities, diving and medicine. We would remind that CAD separators are used not only for grain processing but also for separating any kinds of bulks, such as granite and marble crumbs, crushed stones, sawdust etc.


7 June 2011

Photo report from "Agro-2011" exhibition, Kyiv, Ukraine, June 2-5 June 7, 2011

See photo report.


20 May 2011

CAD separators are appreciated in England

Ellingham Grain Store, Suffolk, England according to the program on increasing grain-cleaning amount and improvement of working quality have bought CAD-40 separator with cyclone. Well-known Ellingham Grain Store has great experience in cleaning, storing and selling of all types of seeds, spices and grass. The company puts emphasis on such crops, as: wheat, beans, oilseeds, barley, maize, linseed. SPC "Aeromeh" Ltd. considers that successful cooperation with Ellingham Grain Store is indisputable confirmation of CAD separators quality. See sales territory.


13 May 2011

Advantageous credits on CAD separators from Russian Agricultural Bank in Russia

Within the bounds of the target program "Credit against a pledge of the machinery and/or equipment that is being purchased" Russian Agricultural Bank provides credits on purchasing CAD separators in Russia. Period of credit - up to 10 years. Amount of banking credit - 70% from the equipment cost. Credit security - only the CAD separators that are being purchased. Bank accreditation for selling CAD separators under the credit program have: LLC Eurotel (Samara, Russia) and LLC "Vostok-Proect" (Blagoveshchensk, Russia). See contact details.


10 January 2011

The responsible partner

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine has enrolled "Aeromeh" on the list of Non-state book of reliable partners with stable credit standing on the territory of Ukraine and out of the bounds. This is confirmed by the Certificate 09/6 dd. December 23 2010 and provided by the Law 14 of Ukraine "About The Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Ukraine". In "Aeromeh" the monitoring was made according to such activities as providing of the internal funds, the liquid solvency, the marginal liquidity, and the financial independence. The fact of listing is a guarantee of the firm while negotiation with foriegn partners, making contracts, cooperations, and participation in International tenders. Certificate is here.


23 December 2010

Dear Friends!

Accept our sincere wishes with upcoming New Year!Let a new year to have a renewal, great success, festal occassions, realization of the sweetest expectations and prospects. Team of "Aeromeh"


20 December 2010

The best exporter of Lugansk region - 2010

SPC "Aeromeh"Ltd. took first place in nomination "The best exporter" in the annual contest governed by the State of the external contacts and foreign-economic activity of Lugansk local authorities. The competitive selection was completed with a glance to an analysis of export potential level of development in order to stimulate the export of the innovative products manufactured by Lugansk region. Diploma is here


01 December 2010

News from Far East!

The contest on Gold Medal of Khabarovsk International Fair was taking part within the bounds of the exhibition "ДальАгроПищепром. Технологии. Оборудование. Упаковка-2010" (Khabarovsk Russia) by Ministry of Economic Development and Foreign Ties of Khabarovsk Territory. SPC AeromehLtd.shown by Vostok-Service - our official representative - and was awarded by the Big Gold Medal. We thank team of Vostok-service for the active and fruitful work. Photos and diploma are here.


02 November 2010

Children - for the best!

Photo report from exhibition "I want to live in highfalutin world 2010"!


15 October 2010

New video

A new training film for using of separator CAD is ready! Watch and download here.


17 September 2010

The news from Volga region of Russia

The Twelves Volga agriindustrial regular exhibition took place in the settlement Ust-Kinelskiy of Samara district of Russia In September 2-5. The agriproducers, large reprocessors, manufacturers of agicultural equipment, leasing companies, insurance companies, branch institutes, district heads, cheafs of regions agricultural offices, deputy corps and a lot of visitors took part in the event. «Eurotel», introducing separators CAD  at this exhibition was awarded the gold medal and diplomas. See photos and diplomas.


07 September 2010

Winner "The best 100 goods of Ukraine-2010"

SPC «Aeromeh»Ltd. is a winner of Ukrainian contest of quality products (goods,works,service) "The best 100 Goods of Ukraine-2010" in Lugansk region. Lugansk region is the eastern region of Ukraine with long historical traditions and high economic potential.It is in the top five of the most developed Ukrainian regions. See awards.


25 August 2010

Sorochinskiy yarmarok 2010

Since August 17 till August 22 SPC «Aeromeh» traditionally took part in the most famous and popular exhibition in Ukraine, in Sorotchinskiy Fair-2010(Poltava region, Mirgorod district, Velikiye Sorotchinzhy). Anthemed by Nikolay Gogol, newborn by contemporaries the exhibition attractives by achievments in agriculture and industry, and of course by an inimitable style of songs and national dances. This is a real festival in keeping with the best traditionals and an ultimate experience.


16 July 2010

News from the Amur Region (Russia)

3-5 of June 2010 at the international exhibition «AmurExpoForum-2010» ( Blagoveshchensk) SPC «Aeromeh» Ltd. was shown by «Vostok-Service». «Aeromeh» was awarded by the Gold medal of Amur exhibition and the diploma of the first degree.This contest is traditionally carrying for stimulation and quality arising, safety and competitiveness, and also for making of good reputation of sure producers.


28 May 2010

New investigations on rice

SPC "Aeromeh" together with Institution of Rice Agrarian Academy of Science and the Plant Breeding and Genetics Institute – National Center of Seed & Cultivar Investigation of the Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (Odessa) have undertook studies on an influence of rice separation on sowing and phytosanitary indexes by CAD machine. See the results of investigations of rice.


17 February 2010

Honorary certificate and medal of Cabinet of Ministers

"Aeromeh" is also among three manufacturers of Lugansk region which have been marked by Honorary certificate and medal of Cabinet of Ministers for the substantial contribution in promotion of national policy implementation in the sphere of consumers advocacy, raise of quality and competitive capacity of domestic goods and for the breakthrough. Let's keep that up! Photos


15 January 2010

Made in Ukraine

Quality contests annual carrying bacame a good practice in Ukraine because it give an opportunity to attract attention not only to the quality problem but also to raise competitive capacity of domestic goods, consumers' protection level and not least — a confidence in the future. That is why we take special proud in our achievment in far-reaching contest "The best 100 goods of Ukraine" in nomination "Production of technical industrial assignment". Team of "Aeromeh" will favors in further to satisfaction of our customers' expactations. "Aeromeh" is also among three manufacturers of Lugansk region which have been marked by Honorary certificate and medal of Cabinet of Ministers for the substantial contribution in promotion of national policy implementation in the sphere of consumers advocacy, raise of quality and competitive capacity of domestic goods and for the breakthrough. Let's keep that up! Photo


07 December 2009

We are in Mongolia

A large batch of separators САД has been shipped under order of Mongolia government by SPC "Aeromeh" Ltd. So the government shores up the agricultural producer and settles a problem of harvest increasing in the country.


07 December 2009

Separators САД - healthy seeds

The Plant Breeding and Genetics Institute – National Center of Seed & Cultivar Investigation of the Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (Odessa)

Now our site is refilled by the scientific findings of the Plant Breeding and Genetics Institute – National Center of Seed & Cultivar Investigation of the Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (Odessa) about an influence of grain separation on phytosanitary indexes according to specific gravity by machine САД .The Institute recommends machine САД as an alternative of seed disinfectant in order of improving of seed infectioning and quality of kernels. See the results here.


03 December 2009

Winner of tendering process

SPC "Aeromeh" became a winner by tendering process on delievery graincleaning equipment for "Drofine resource" ( Agricultural Operating Coop; Ukraine, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Nizhegorodskiy district, Drofino settllement). Subsidization of tendering process is carrying out according to Programm of Developing and Integration of Crimea (Programm of Developing of United Nations). It is working since 1995 in co-operation with Ukrainian Government and Crimea and Unated Nations. One of the area of focus is contribution of developing of coops in Crimea, including an agricultural cooperation using an experience of European countries in solving of social and economical regional problems. "Aeromeh" expresses an interest in succesful continuation of agricultural co-operation in Crimea.


12 November 2009

So separators САД are in Norway

Norway became the first from the Scandinavian countries where the separators have been uploaded. 10 of November 2009 the shipment of separator was put over in Oslo. We hope that our equipment due to an innovation, simplicity in control and perfect quility will meet with recognition and popularity also in Nordic. Widen sales territory


30 of October 2009

I want to live in highfalutin world!

An All-Ukrainian children comp of drawing "I want to live in highfalutin world!" has took place in the Ukrainian Theatre of Music and Drama (Lugansk, Ukraine) in Thursday, 29 of November. "Aeromeh"Ltd. gladly perfomed as a supporter of this competition. A friendship is upper for children.That is why it was not easy to determine the winners among 820 gamy, immediate and artistic small painters's pictures of up 5 to 16 years old. G.V.Zhyrkov, a deputy director of "Aeromeh" sent his compliment the winners and the participants. We are for our children in highfalution world! Photo.


1st of October 2009

Italian progress

SPC «Aeromeh» Ltd. gives kindly accent to directed and profitable work of our dealers.In particular, due to SRL «Miaghi Impex» Ltd. - our Roumania representative - the agrarians of Udine, an Italian town, can estimate deservedly the quality of our production. We see future positively!


18 of September 2009

We are in Africa!!!

We inform with pleasure about an assimilation of the new continent by the products of our manufacturing. So now we can proudly include the second-largest country - Algeria - to the area of sales territory of our separators САД. Its the twentieth country on the third continent where our separators are using. Remind that strategic task of our company is the new market development and enlarging of our footprint.


7 th of September 2009

Dominating quality

3rd of September 2009 by results of «The best 100 goods of Ukraine», All-Ukrainian quality contest of production ( goods and service), separator САД-50 ( manufacturer-SPC «Aeromeh»Ltd.) was admitted as the best again. Finalist's diploma and honorary certificate were bestowed by V. M.Krivulya, a deputy district officer. Remind, that the one of the main task of «Aeromeh» - the uppermost level of quality of the production and service.


18 of June 2009


4 of June 2009 the solemn awarding of winners and recipients of the State Prize and the Prize of CIS for quality and service achievements 2008-2009 took place in Club of Cabinet of Ministers.SPC «Aeromeh»Ltd. is among winners. The awards were bestowed by V.L..Losyuk, a chairman of State Consumer Standart of Ukraine, and M. A.Pozhyvanov, a deputy minister of economy. G.V.Zhyrkov, a deputy director of SPC «Aeromeh»Ltd., was prized on behalf of the firm.


17 of June 2009

A new reference book «Machines for harvesting of cereals and industrial crops» has published.

A team of authors combines the specialists of Ministry of agrarian policy and Ukrainian Research Studies Institute of forecasting and test duration agricultural techniques n.a.L.Pogorelyi. An up-to -date process design of harvesting, processing of cereals and industrial crops, agricolous demands, specifications, test data and development trends of agricultural machines are given in the book.It contains an information about the separators САД for cleaning and calibration of grain. The book intend for specialists and growers of agricultural produce and agricultural equipment, scientists, teachers and students.


17 of June 2009

Gold medal of an exhibition «Agri-2009»

Ministry of agrarian policy of Ukraine hold the contest «The best products, technology and scientific development» within the frame of XXI International exhibition «Agri-2009».SPC «Aeromeh»Ltd. has won this contest and has rewarded by the gold medal.


17 of June 2009

Photographic illustration of «Agri-2009»

Photographic illustration of «Agri-2009» has got ready. The discounts on separators САД up 3 to 30 % were raffled off. Also a new model САД-РЦ-20 was showed at first. View the photographic illustration.


15 of May 2009

Russian recognition by the public

High level of reliability, quality and produceability of equipment for grain cleaning and calibration (machines are manufactured by the leading plant of Eastern Ukraine) is confirmed by State Committee of the Russia Federation for Standartization and Metrology. After test validation in Pskov certified executive centre SPC «Aeromeh»Ltd.was given a certificate of conformance № РОСС UA МЛ 16.В00171 on aerodynamic separators САД batch production valid untill 11 of May 2012.


1st of May 2009

New production range — new prices

In order to give the opportunity to choose the optimal model of equipment for every farm we have enlarged substantially the production range of separators САД and brought down the prices essentially since the 1st of May. More detailed information you will get in sales dapartment of SPC «Aeromeh» Ltd. or from official dealers.


7 of April 2009

Resonable price

In accordance with marketing research of agricultural machines of Ukrainian market Lugansk Chamber of Commercee and Industry has effectuated a conclusion (decision № 25.05-387 of April 4 2009) about the soudness of prices on separators САД and it's reasonable modifying on the basis of production costs and commercial viability of agricultural equipment; price level of SPC «Aeromeh»Ltd. on equal quality foreign analogues is lower significantly. It will be recalled that in accordance to certificate № 09/357 of June 6 2007 SPC «Aeromeh»Ltd. is an insure member of Lugansk Chamber of Commercee and Industry and Ukrainian Chamber of Commercee and Industry. Look at the certificate of Chamber of Commercee and Industry. With this certificate Ukrainian Chamber of Commercee and Industry, the local chambers are empowered by the government of Ukraine to confirme the credible financial position of the firms and give a guarantee of credibility to their partners.


20 of November 2008

The best 100 goods 2008

In 2008 November 13 SPC Aeromeh Ltd. has became a winner of Ukrainian contest of quality products (goods,works,service) again. The best 100 goods of Ukraine-2008 is the highest state award for commodity producers which prooved an absolute quality and reliability of products at national level, correspondance to the international demands and up-to-date research approach to manufacturing.


13 of November 2008

Now in Tajikistan also

SPC Aeromeh Ltd. enlarges its sales territory in Asia. These days has been done shipping of the first batch of separators САД in Tajikistan - the country of Central Asia. So now the agrarians of Tajikistan will appreciate at true value an effectiveness of САД. Widen sales territory


30 of October 2008

Widen sales territory

For today sales territory of Aeromeh has enlarged on one more European country. We are glad to show our equipment at the Bulgarian agricultural market. We hope that aerodynamics separator САД will earn confidence of Bulgarian agrarians and take its place.


19 of June 2008

Certificate of Europe on separators САД

Separators САД meet the requirments of European Union. This fact is prooved by certification № 367/09.05.2008. Certificate gives a right of marking by CE sign. Certificate browsing


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Eng; Рус; Укр.

20 april 2020
During the harvesting and preparation of grain crops for storage, it is very important to accurately complete all stages of the post-harvest process. One of the most significant steps is grain cleaning. It makes it possible to save the crop from dust and impurities, weeds, pests, dry mass, separate the seeds, and also qualitatively prepare the grain for further storage and processing. Universal grain cleaning equipment CAD separators has a high capacity, processing almost all types and varieties of crops, legumes, oilseeds, industrial, small-seed herbs and vegetables. The grain separator can be used independently or in combination with other units, performing the complete chain of processing crops. AEROMEH company offers grain cleaning machines for various tasks. From us you can buy small separators CAD-4 and CAD-5 for small farms, as well as grain separators CAD-100 and CAD-150 - more productive and always efficient. Grain cleaning equipment of AEROMEH production consists of several components. Grain enters the hopper feeder of the CAD separator. With the help of the vibrating tray, the grain is evenly distributed in the separation chamber over its entire width. Air flow generator of the CAD grain separator processes each element of the separated stream with the powerful flows. During this process, the heap is cleaned of dust, light impurities, crushed grain, weed seeds and other mineral and green impurities. Separation or sorting of grain with the CAD separator is done into 5 fractions. After cleaning with the separator CAD, the best and cleanest grain goes to the 2nd and 3rd fractions. Small impurities, crushed seeds and waste of various origins go to the 4th and 5th fractions. In the calibration mode, the 2nd and 3rd fractions of CAD separators is proper seed material, which is obtained by selecting the grain by the specific weight. The equipment has durable body, and does not have replaceable elements and lubrication points, therefore it can work for many years without failures in operation. At the peak of the season, when the grain cleaning is carried out for many hours in a row, it is very important that the machines work clearly and smoothly, because every day of a downtime can bring losses to the agricultural economy. We offer reliable equipment that does not require expensive consumables or special care, it gives maximum efficiency without taking significant investments. AeroDynamic separator CAD is a modern and reliable grain cleaning equipment. Innovative solutions used in the CAD separator allow to solve a lot of problems in the field of grain cleaning. In addition, CAD is a technology for producing high-yielding seeds. Time tested. phones.

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Marry Cristmass
20 december 2019
"Aeromeh" team wishes everyone a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. Let your wishes come true, let your ideas successfully come true, let your aspirations and dreams lead you to new heights of happiness. Be loved in the new year and be healthy, live well and remember: we value each of you. Read more about our location at the exhibition on our phones.

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AEROMEH invites to Kiev for the international exhibition AGRO-2019
1 june 2018
From 4 to 7 June 2019 in Kiev will be held the largest international agro-industrial exhibition in Ukraine and Eastern Europe, "AGRO-2019". AEROMECH invites you to visit our stand, which will be located near pavilion 9, place В06. You will be able to see our equipment in operation, as well as get acquainted with the new products. You also have the opportunity to bring grain samples with you to test our grain cleaning machines at work. We will be glad to welcome you at our stand! Read more about our location at the exhibition on our phones.

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Tel.: +38(050)348-92-53, +38(095)340-00-08
Tel.: +38(097)727-23-82, +38(097)724-84-42
SKYPE: aeromehsad, ICQ: 695-884-599
© 2001–2025 SPC "Aeromeh"™ Ltd.